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GoogleRankings.com allows SEO professionals and site owners to research where they are listed in several search engines. This is just one of MANY FREE search engine optimization tools out there that people bundle/remake and charge you for access or to own. You have to remember 98% of SEM’s and SEO’s are lying sacks of shit. […]

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You may not know it but asking this questions is like asking the question what’s the difference in apples and oranges. To briefly describe the differences plug-in websites or xml website refer to the way the ticket data is pulled from the respective exchange (EventInventory, TicketNetwork TicketTechnology) and displated on your website. Plug-in websites are […]

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Hiring a web developer (tech) or technical staff (tech) has the potential for you to waste $20,000.00 to $35,000.00 a year as well as damages done to your business in lost sale conversions and SEO damage. It would be just as good if you took the money and maybe even your business and burned it. […]

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Search Engine Optimization(SEO)/Placement is as important to you and your business as air is to breathe. Much like air, you use it, thrive on it and live your life based upon it but may not fully understand it or even think about it. Not knowing about SEO can cause countless and endless damage to your […]

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This is a topic that could literally fill the Library of Congress, but let me try to sum it up in a few paragraphs. First you need to understand what SEO (search engine optimization). This is best described in the post search engine optimization 101. In general SEO is much easier of a concept than […]

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There is more than just deciding to become a ticket broker. There are many questions you need to ask yourself if you want to become an efficient ticket broker. What type of ticket broker do I want to be? This might sound like a silly questions, but believe it or not there are different types […]

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