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You may not know it but asking this questions is like asking the question what’s the difference in apples and oranges. To briefly describe the differences plug-in websites or xml website refer to the way the ticket data is pulled from the respective exchange (EventInventory, TicketNetwork TicketTechnology) and displated on your website. Plug-in websites are […]

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Hiring a web developer (tech) or technical staff (tech) has the potential for you to waste $20,000.00 to $35,000.00 a year as well as damages done to your business in lost sale conversions and SEO damage. It would be just as good if you took the money and maybe even your business and burned it. […]

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Hmm..I don’t know; just about everything. Without a nice website, your business will hurt and you may not even know it. But there are many ticket brokers who know and feel there is something wrong with the market and that our industry is hurting. If these very same ticket brokers had a nice website, they […]

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It pretty much goes without saying that almost every ticket broker today has a website. But what you don’t know will hurt you. All websites are not created equal. Just because you have a website, doesn’t mean it will help your business in any way. In fact, it can actually be doing damage each and […]

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