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EventInventory has long been the big dog in the market. In recent times many brokers have woke up and smelt the coffee and realized they could make it on another exchange…good move. Like with all companies, you have people that hate it and love it. A few things most people can agree with is that EventInventory has long been plagued by bad management. Need something that is so simple a trained monkey can do it; get in line and wait. Before Ticketmaster purchased Tnow/EI each and everything had to go through a long and drawn out “meeting” process, which with all likelihood meant forget about it until we find it important.

Many ticket brokers don’t even question or realize how bad EventInventory can be. When asked they quickly state that they never had any issues with EventInventory. Now of course I’m not saying EventInventory is the worst or even the best. This is simply pointing out what others and I have gone through over the years. Each company has it’s horrible, bad and good point.

Most ticket brokers keep up on the news and in recent news Ticketmaster purchased Tnow/EI and when they did most brokers went nuts and demanded to hear what was Ticketmaster’s objective. Ticketmaster told everyone not to worry and that they would be kind and help the secondary ticket market. Well in more recent news Ticketmaster has since stated they don’t hold any love for the secondary ticket market. (http://forum.songfacts.com/showtopic.php?tid/146362/)

What does this mean for ticket brokers who blindly stay with a company that claims they should make ticket resale illegal? Nothing? Maybe. Can you move your POS and website to another ticket exchange if something bad does happen. Sure, but at the same time 900 other last minute ticket brokers will be doing the same thing.

I have always been on all ticket exchanges and will remain. I enjoy the flexibility it offers me like the increased exposure. So while this review might sound all bad there is and always have been good points about EventInventory.

Good :
a. size of the exchange (it’s available tickets)
b. POS system (equal or better to other exchanges out there)

Bad :
a. pricing (they are the most expensive out there)
b. difficult on joining the exchange (they make you jump through hoops and they still have shitheads on their exchange)
c. compete with you (like all 3 exchanges, they are in DIRECT competition with you. Many people have said they think EI collects information from your site and uses it to help or even direct people to Tnow)
d. recent news (who knows what is going to happen, they already lied when Ticketmaster purchased them about helping ticket brokers, now they hate ticket brokers)

You will find all type’s people that swear by EventInventory and people who hate them. I would say more dislike, especially in recent times. Just make a informed decision and don’t base you whole company around one ticketing exchange.

Good luck~

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