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You may not know it but asking this questions is like asking the question what’s the difference in apples and oranges. To briefly describe the differences plug-in websites or xml website refer to the way the ticket data is pulled from the respective exchange (EventInventory, TicketNetwork TicketTechnology) and displated on your website.

Plug-in websites are beginner websites. It’s like living in a one-bedroom apartment. You will never see a plug-in website on the top of a hot keyword in search engines. Plug-in basically means the ticket listings and cart load on your site by pulling and/or displaying links and information from the respective exchange. The limitations and downfalls are endless. Just a few downfalls are search engines typically view your website as a link farm for spam site automatically. You can’t have your own shopping cart. Savy customers may realize that your website has just forwarded them to another domain and potentially not complete the sale. Then there’s one of the main reasons why plug-ins ruin your life; lack of customization! You will never be able to have a member’s panel, millions of dynmaic pages for every event, a custom shopping cart and much more. It irkes me to see a non–tech-savy ticket broker happy with one of those junk free plug-in websites that the 3 major exchange give out like bad candy. Those sites damage your domain on the web over time. For example, TicketNetwork’s “xml/plug-in” free website. You see one you’ve seen them all. The only thing that ever changes is the logo and a few bits of information here and there. Trust me the search engines feel the same. That’s what they do, they ahve to be able to find spam/clone websites and not offer those up to their users as number one results due to the possiblity of them being spam websites. Even if you’re a wholesale ticket broker, do not let a plug-in website be the face of your online business for all the reasons mentioned above and more. Just like a good store front, there can be upfront costs but in the end, it more than pays for itself. Take the time to create yourself a good xml website. There are service providers out there that can do this for a ticket broker at a reasonably low cost.

On to xml websites. If you search for any ticket broker keyword in the search engines and you will see an xml website. Besides the ability of getting your website on top through an xml website, they offer customization that is limitless. Member’s panels, dynamic seating charts, custom shopping cart, on-page ticket listings and so much more. Then there’s always the benefit that when a customer comes to your website, they see an amazing and unique looking website that doesn’t link to one of the three exchanges and builds your comany brand. How can you not want an xml website?

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Plug-In vs. XML Websites; what’s the difference?, 3.8 out of 5 based on 10 ratings

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