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I am a strong believer that all ticket brokers should be a member to and upload their inventory to all three major ticket exchanges. By switch I don’t mean leave EventInventory forever, rather switch using them as the backbone of your business.

EventInventory has long been the biggest and at times, the best ticket exchange. But in recent times poor management, decisions and press has put TicketsNow and EventInventory on people’s minds who never even knew they existed. EventInventory has always been a company that was hard to work with and over charge for their services. But now days, it’s impossible. You have to view your selected ticket exchange (EventInventory) as the foundation for your business. Do you really want them as your foundation now days? Who’s going to buy TicketsNow from TicketMaster? What does this mean to you? What if they are shut down? What if TicketMaster starts going after the secondary ticket market to win points with Congress? Some of these questions might seem absurd but if you had thought about what recently happened a year ago, you would have thought that what recently happened was absurd and could never have happened.

There are a few other excellent options as far as ticket exchanges go. Of course, speaking of TicketNetwork and TicketTechnology, each with it’s own good and bad attributes. They both offer comparable services and products. What you don’t know is that while EventInventory tries to force you to use their POS to upload your tickets to their exchange, you can still use another ticket exchange for your website and POS. There are 2 ways you can do this, one being just leave one computer in your office running their POS and the second if you have enough inventory or if you have a good enough working relationship with EventInventory simply negotiate the ability to have your inventory added without using their POS. Believe it or not, quite a few ticket brokers do this. It’s never too late

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Why switch from EventInventory?, 5.0 out of 5 based on 1 rating

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