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This is a topic that could literally fill the Library of Congress, but let me try to sum it up in a few paragraphs. First you need to understand what SEO (search engine optimization). This is best described in the post search engine optimization 101. In general SEO is much easier of a concept than you can possbily imagine. Many “SEO firms” or “SEO professionals” out there will lie to you to make a quick buck. They tell you to worry about meta-tags or some other simple task so they can maximize their billing and minimize their work. but in fact, getting your website on top of the search engines is a heavily work-intensive and time consuming process.

  • Content building
  • Inbound links

I can show you literally hundreds of websites on top of the search engines with no meta-tags and a very shabby design. And they did it simply by the 2 items listed above.
What is content building?
Simply put, typing up customized content for each of your pages that you want to get listed higher int he search engines. Do not pledgerize content. It would be better if you idn’t have any content at all than to copy or steal someone else’s.

What are inbound links?
You need to realize that with search engines, it is a popularity contest. How do the search engines rate your site’s popularity? By how many other websites link to your website without you linking to them.

How do you get inboud links? By having excellant content on your website and blogging. There are many different ways to get inbound links.

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